Why you shouldn’t try to fit into your industry
Business babes, if you really want to grow your business by working with more of your soulmate clients, LET YOUR PERSONALITY SHINE.
Don't get bogged down trying to "fit in" and matching what everyone else in your industry is doing. Even if it's working for them!
Trying to be too much like your competition is a fast track to obscurity. Sure, you might have a nice website and some quality services, and you might even book some clients.
But you won't be in your integrity, you won't be genuine, and you won't attract the clients who make your heart sing. You'll be attracting someone else's ideal clients if anything. And probably not as many as you'd like.
If you can allow yourself to take a break from looking at what your competitors are doing, and really ask yourself what YOU bring to the table, you'll be in a much better place.
It's fine and expected that you may offer some or all of the same services or products as other businesses. What you need to figure out is how your personality, values, sense of humor, life and career experience, etc., make the WAY you do it special.
What about your personality makes your business unique? (If you can't think of something, think harder! It's there, I promise you.)
If you need help, I'm here to chat with ya. Grab yourself a spot on my calendar for a free content strategy session. Can’t wait to meet you.